Natural and New Technology

Clearing Acne Scare Marks

Acne scars are a very common skin disease and nearly everyone more or less has this problem. When the skin pours gets swelled with excessive oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells, inflamed blemishes occur on the skin which in medical term is called acne scars.

The healing of this scar depends on how deep the breaking is. If it is a shallow scar, then it gets healed easily. But in the case of the deep break, the bacteria of the infected area also damage the surrounding tissue, making the scar even worse. Though skin naturally cures the scar by generating collagen fibers, the new skin will not be as smooth and flawless as you had.

Acne scars are completely treatable and there are many medical methods that help you fade away those blemishes.

We at FACE VALUE AESTHETICS offer Acne scars Treatments in Nashik for our clients, please call us to book your appointment on at 9527680048 / 8308534231.

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Face Value Aesthetics
Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 10:00AM - 05:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM - 2:00PM